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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

9 Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

How to Get Bed Bugs Getting bed bugs turned out to be surprisingly easy. I simply went on to Craigslist and replied to every ad listing a free mattress available. I spent the next few sweaty days driving around town, picking them up and assembling the lot in my apartment. In this endeavor, I was assisted by my girlfriend, who decided to leave for several months to "clear her head." After practicing some stunts and "karate flips" on my new mattresses,...

How To Stay Awake

Let’s face it, we could all use a few tips on how to stay awake especially those mariners working the late watch. From split watch schedules to operations requiring “All hands On Deck” sleep not only comes at a premium but is a critically important factor in accident prevention and remaining healthy. To highlight these issues we have brought you many articles on the subject including the popular “Night Shift A Cause Of...